Homework has earned a special place in the current educational structure. Though there are diverse views of its importance, it is believed to reinforced learning and make it effective. But who invented this practice that has become a global phenomenon? What was the purpose behind it, and how did he plan and execute it? This post addresses all the above questions and more.


Home assignments date back to the ancient Rome era. It was first used by an oratory teacher Pliny the Younger, in I century AD. According to history, he asked his students in Quintilian to partake in at home-activities to sharpen their speaking skills. With the encouraging result, many tutors also adopted the practice.

Fast forward in 1905, an Italian pedagogue Roberto invented homework as a form of punishment to recalcitrant students. The practice has since been modified and regularized into the educational system across the world.

However, there are contrary views of the form homework should take, how much homework should be given, and whether it is important for certain grades to get MySpanishLab answers. Indeed, home tasks can be beneficial if it is:

  • Feasible
  • It takes less time to complete
  • Children get to know why it was assigned

Although homework is not perfect and still undergoing some form of reviews in certain countries, opponents and supporters admit that it improves learning.

Purposes of Homework

The roles take-home assignments play in the lives of students is a subject of debate and discussions. Here are some reasons behind the practice.

  • Allows students to learn at their own pace
  • Study within their preferred hours
  • To work independently without external pressure
  • Help students acquire some essential life skills
  • Build their research skills

To achieve the intended purpose, educators must make homework suit the needs of students. Teachers must find practical and different ways to assign tasks by sometimes personalizing it for the children. You identify students’ needs, weaknesses, and strengths, then assign practical work for them to do. At a certain point in time, educators can combine the various methods identified.

Types of Homework

  • Mastering reading materials for the next class
  • Oral exercises
  • Written exercises
  • Creative works including, essay writing
  • Observational assignments
  • Report preparation on course materials

How homework improves education

Homework has gradually evolved throughout the years to become an essential part of the educational system. It aims to improve the learning process, reinforce knowledge, afford students time to learn independently, and improve students’ understanding. Another way it enhances learning is that it eases the pressure of burden on students. When children are home, they can choose when to do their homework without feeling the pressure to do it quickly. It also allows the average students to pick up knowledge slowly.

The assimilation of knowledge has been found as critical in learning. After acquiring a particular knowledge in the class, students need to break it down to their understanding level before it is absorbed. Breaking down of information received in the classroom cannot be done during the lesson or immediately afterward, but in subsequent learning. This is what homework does. After class lessons, students can take their time to learn and understand at home.